The ecological assets where specific maintenance guidelines apply are listed below with guidelines provided in the following sheets.
Wildlife fences and screens
7.4.1 Maintenance of fencing: meshes and poles
7.4.2 Maintenance of fencing: escape devices
7.4.3 Maintenance of cattle grids
7.4.4 Maintenance of screens installed to reduce disturbances
7.4.5 Maintenance of amphibians/small fauna fences
Wildlife crossing structures
7.4.6 Maintenance of landscape, wildlife and multiuse overpasses
7.4.7 Maintenance of adapted viaducts, wildlife and multiuse underpasses
7.4.8 Maintenance of adapted culverts
7.4.9 Maintenance of amphibian passages
Wildlife warning awareness signs
7.4.10 Maintenance of wildlife awareness signs
7.4.11 Maintenance of signs activated by Animal Detection Systems (ADS)
Road verges and other green areas
7.4.12 Management of vegetation
7.4.13 Management of habitats for pollinators and other small fauna
7.4.14 Control of Invasive Alien Species (IAS)
7.4.15 Management of verges to reduce forest fire risk in sensitive areas
Ponds and other elements of drainage systems
7.4.16 Management of retention ponds to host wildlife
Animal-vehicle collisions management
7.4.17 Management of traffic killed animals
7.4.18 Management of Animal-Vehicle Collisions (AVC) data